Cryotherapy Benefits And Side Effects

Have you heard of cryotherapy and wondered what all the fuss was about? Cryotherapy can reduce pain as well as alleviate pain from chronic or degenerative conditions such as Fibromyalgia, Arthritis, Osteoporosis, Multiple Sclerosis and Chronic Pain Syndrome. The use of the intense cold on the skin has a notable effect on the way the body metabolises fat and can increase the metabolic rate for 24-48 hours after the treatment.

Localized cryotherapy can safely target those areas on the body that you specifically want to trim. A 2017 study did find that cryotherapy can help relieve pain and speed healing. Some cryotherapy providers claim that a few minutes of cold can increase metabolism all day.

In addition to removing the surface lesions, cryotherapy effectively seals off the skin and is useful for reducing acne in the future. The goal of cryotherapy cryotherapy for weight loss is to reduce the temperature in the muscle or joint and to sustain this reduced temperature during the initial recovery phase from an acute injury.

Consistent use of cryotherapy can extend the health benefits for greater lengths of time. Our full body cryotherapy chamber not only burns up to 800 calories in under 3 minutes, but improves your metabolisms performance to help you continue to burn calories after your session.

Repeated, consistent cryotherapy sessions increases the metabolism in the long term, resulting in more passive calories burned and continued weight loss or maintenance. Before going into how it feels to step inside a coffin-sized cryo chamber, let's have a look at what exactly is cryotherapy.

Whole Body Cryotherapy can work to stabilize erratic sleep patterns by helping patients achieve a prolonged period of rest. Although it has been suggested that exposure to cold temperatures increases brown adipose tissue, which may increase energy expenditure, there is no evidence that you can lose weight from exposure to WBC.

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